Testing networks and communication systems for compliance with the requirements of orders, national and international standards and recommendations
The training course covers both theoretical aspects of testing and practical work with measuring equipment, including traffic generators and analyzers, monitoring taps, sniffers, loggers and other software and hardware systems.
Particular attention is paid to relevant regulatory documents that provide requirements for networks and communication systems: Orders of the Russian Ministry of Digital Development, industry documents, national standards of Rosstandart, international ISO and IEC standards, international Recommendations ITU-T, ETSI, IEEE, etc. Apply for training You can use the feedback form.
IoT Device Testing and industrial internet of things
The course covers testing methods and methodology based on ISO/IEC international standards, ITU-T Recommendations, Industrial Internet of Things Consortium standards and OneM2M. Practical classes will be held at a specialized stand, which includes various types of IoT and industrial IoT devices (based on microcontrollers and microprocessors), as well as various connection channels (Ethernet, LoRa, 3G/LTE, WiFi, BLE, ZigBee, etc.).
The training will also cover methods for remote testing of IoT devices and applications, as well as the features of testing industrial IoT devices (based on Modbus, UPC UA, etc.)
Testing telecommunications equipment for resistance to electromagnetic influences
Within the framework of the training course, methods and methodology for testing network equipment and distributed networks in general for resistance to intentional electromagnetic influences based on test steam meters GOST 52863-2007 are considered. Particular attention will be paid to methods for detecting threshold levels of failure of network equipment, as well as methods for remote diagnostics. Loading methods simulating a directional intentional electromagnetic effect using generators of ultrashort electromagnetic pulses, as well as experiment planning taking into account the test site, will be considered.
Testing technologies and data transfer protocols
Within the framework of the training course, the methods and methodology of fast / new technologies and data transfer protocols are considered.Particular attention will be paid to test planning, the choice of tools and the interpretation of the results. Classes are held on a specialized laboratory stand, which allows you to simulate delays, jitter, losses on the tested network fragment.
Identification of terminal network equipment based on the architecture of digital objects
Within the framework of the training course, theoretical and practical aspects of the functioning of the architecture of digital objects are considered. Methods for identifying physical and virtual devices of the Internet of things, network equipment and traffic transit devices are considered. Particular attention is paid to the methods of organizing GHR and LHS, as well as the issuance and assignment of identifiers to a single object. For various network devices, metadata will be considered that can be taken into account in the identifier structure. Training is conducted on the basis of a research and testing center for new infocommunication equipment, technologies and services, where a test local registry is deployed to demonstrate two-level resolution when checking an identifier.
Testing equipment for passive optical networks
The training course covers the methods and methodology for testing equipment for passive optical networks FTTx and PON (FTTH, FTTB, FTTC, BPON, GPON, EPON)
. Devices for complex measurements of attenuation in the optical line between the central node and the subscriber device (operating or preparing for connection), as well as the location of the problem area, if the actual attenuation in the line turned out to be higher than expected (calculated or reference), are considered.